Feeding the Hunger for Dignity

November 17, 2020
  • Bob Chapman
  • Bob Chapman
    CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller


毕竟,外围十大菠菜app正在经历创纪录的繁荣、低失业率和世界相对和平! By all accounts, life was good. Therefore, people should have been happy!

Yet, most of America’s 100 million full-time employees, according to these Gallup facts, were not:

"The American workforce has more than 100 million full-time employees. One-third of those employees are what Gallup calls engaged at work. 他们热爱自己的工作,每天都让自己的组织和美国变得更好. At the other end, 16%的员工非常不投入——他们在工作场所很痛苦,破坏了最投入的员工所创造的东西. The remaining 51% of employees are not engaged — they’re just there.

只有大约五分之一的人表示,他们的绩效管理方式能够激励他们出色地完成工作. 员工对自己的工作和被要求做的工作感到相当冷漠. Organizations are not giving them compelling reasons to stay, 因此,大多数员工(91%)说他们最近一次换工作是什么时候,也就不足为奇了, they left their company to do so."

Those stats certainly don’t paint a picture of a satisfied workforce. And, after all the events of 2020, 外围十大菠菜app有理由相信,现在的人们比以前更快乐,不再为工作和未来感到焦虑吗?

盖洛普的这些数据指向了我谈论了一段时间的领导力危机. There’s a reason why people aren’t happy despite peace and prosperity. 在外围十大菠菜app的组织中,人们需要的东西比他们找到的更多. Something deeper.


This was recently made clear to me in a column by Thomas Friedman, where he wrote:

“尊严的缺乏比金钱的缺乏更能解释行为. People will absorb hardship, hunger and pain. They will be grateful for jobs, cars and benefits. But if you make people feel humiliated, they will respond with a ferocity unlike any other emotion, or just refuse to lift a finger for you… By contrast, if you show people respect, if you affirm their dignity, it is amazing what they will let you say to them or ask of them.

许多商业领袖认为,人们仅仅因为有一份工作就应该心存感激和快乐. Maybe they even have a well-paying job with good benefits. But just having a job and getting perks isn’t everything."

Every one of us, no matter what our job or where we live, simply want to know that who we are and what we do matters. 作为企业的领导者,外围十大菠菜app有责任让人们知道他们需要这样做. 外围十大菠菜app有责任认识到我国人民固有的尊严,并尊重这种尊严, not break it.

When so many people go home each night not feeling valued, it is no surprise that we see so much conflict in families, our communities and in the world today. 外围十大菠菜app在城市中有抗议和骚乱,因为人们感到没有被倾听,他们的尊严不断受到攻击.

 When I’m nicer to my wife, she talks to me.

I often tell a story about Steve Barlament, one of our team members at PCMC in Green Bay, WI. On the suggestion of one of the leaders, 我邀请了一组团队成员参加一个会议,就一个项目进行报告,该项目导致了显著的绩效改进.

It was all the usual metrics, but when they were finished, I asked Steve, whom I’d never met before, a simple question that just popped into my head: “Steve, how did it affect your life?”

这群人还没有准备好走进来,在外围十大菠菜app所有的总统面前讲话, but without missing a beat, Steve said: “My wife now talks to me more.”

It was unrehearsed, it was spontaneous, and it was the truth. He said:

"Do you know what it’s like, Bob, to work in a place where you show up every morning, you punch a card, you go to your station, you’re told what to do, you’re not given the tools you need to do what you need to do, you get ten things right and nobody says a word, and you get one thing wrong and you get chewed out? You ask questions and it takes a week to get an answer back. They complain about your salary or your benefits. Do you know what it feels like to go home at night to your family? You feel pretty empty.

I realize now, in hindsight, that when I wasn’t feeling good about myself, I wasn’t that nice a person to be around. That was basically every day. But since we began this program, I’ve been part of making things better. People ask me what I think; they listen to me, and I actually have a chance to impact things, including my own job. The way we set up the new assembly flow really works, and I can go home feeling that I’ve done a good day’s work, not wasted the day chasing parts or feeling resentful. When I feel respected and know I’ve done a good day’s work, I feel pretty good about myself, and I find when I feel better about myself, I’m nicer to my wife, and you know what’s amazing? When I’m nicer to my wife, she talks to me."

史蒂夫经常感到丢脸,以至于他对自己失去了信心. He lost his sense of dignity and took that emptiness home each night.

外围十大菠菜app在工作中对待别人的方式会影响他们对自己的看法, in turn, how they treat the people in their life.

I recently spoke with Donna Hicks, author, conflict resolution specialist and Harvard professor. I have been reading her book, Leading With Dignity, where she says this:

“有尊严的领导要求外围十大菠菜app密切关注外围十大菠菜app对他人的影响. 没有这些知识,困扰工作场所的人际关系问题将继续存在. 理解侵犯尊严(愤怒)所释放的强大力量, resentment, and the desire for revenge) as well as when dignity is honored (love, loyalty, 而自由奉献的愿望会让领导者更容易做正确的事. When such consciousness is part of a leader’s repertoire, not only do people thrive, but the organization thrives right along with them."

我逐渐意识到,外围十大菠菜app在Barry-Wehmiller所做的是培养一种尊重尊严的文化, which is what our workplaces should do, rather than perpetuating ones in which dignity is harmed. 承认和维护外围十大菠菜app人民的尊严比仅仅给予他们尊重要深刻得多.

 Everyone is someone’s precious child

很多年前我参加了一场婚礼得到了改变人生的启示 everyone is someone’s precious child, 这让我意识到,领导者被赋予了一项令人敬畏的责任:给予宝贵的人所需的关怀、激励和支持,使他或她成为他或她应该成为的一切.

As Donna Hicks said in a Forbes interview:

“尊严是外围十大菠菜app与生俱来的东西——它是外围十大菠菜app内在的价值和价值. We have little trouble seeing it when a child is born; there is no question about whether they are something of value. 事实上,外围十大菠菜app会说孩子是无价的,无价的,不可替代的.
How do we treat something that is invaluable, priceless and irreplaceable? We give it our utmost care and attention. Even though we are all born worthy of this care and attention, we are born vulnerable to having our dignity violated. Treating others with dignity, then, becomes the baseline of our interactions. You don’t have to do anything to deserve dignity.

外围十大菠菜app商界人士正在加剧这个世界上尊严的匮乏,因为外围十大菠菜app把人们视为外围十大菠菜app成功的目标. 但是,每周有40个小时或更长时间,外围十大菠菜app有机会用外围十大菠菜app的领导力改变世界."

With Steve Barlament, it all started with simple listening, 这是一个释放压抑的挫败感的阀门,也是外围十大菠菜app开始尊重他人尊严的最简单的方式. As Thomas Friedman wrote:

"Sometimes it just takes listening to them, but deep listening — not just waiting for them to stop talking. Because listening is the ultimate sign of respect. What you say when you listen speaks more than any words.

Once Steve was listened to and his expertise was utilized, he felt valued. He felt like he was making a difference. He felt like he was worth something. And when his advice was utilized, things in his workday got better. He wasn’t frustrated. He went home fulfilled and happy. He treated his family differently. 这就是外围十大菠菜app如何开始治愈外围十大菠菜app的破碎,结束对尊严的渴望,让人们回家成为更好的配偶, parents, children, friends, and neighbors."


“幸福的因果关系是把你的精力集中在帮助别人成为更好的人而不是专注于自己。. If what you’re trying to do in managing your company is make better people, 你制造的产品和你创造的利润是让别人变得更好的副产品. 然后,它可以创建一个外围十大菠菜app以前从未见过的商业组织.

这难道不是你希望你的宝贝孩子为之工作的公司吗? Isn’t this the kind of company you would like to work for? Wouldn’t this create true happiness and engagement in the workforce?"

This is how business can be a powerful force for good, by caring enough about their people that they restore, honor and protect the sense of dignity that is a basic human need.

Leaders, 是时候开始给饥饿的人提供食物了,而不是让他们在外围十大菠菜app的照顾范围内挨饿.

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